Putting my education to use =)

I'm taking a Program Design & Proposal Writing class where I'm learning how to write grants. Over the last 2 months, I've become a respite care worker for 3 disabled kids and I've decided to write grants for the business I just made up! Lisa didn't approve of the last company I tried to create, but hopefully she'll like my new creation a little better!! I'm working for a company that takes disabled individuals out into the community everyday and I absolutely love my job. My respite hours are separate from the company I work for and I put in hours for the 3 kids after work, so I thought I could create a business for night hours that is a copy cat of the company I work for during the day. Respite means that I'm giving the parents a break from having to care for their child- pretty much a government paid babysitter! For my new company, I would still take the kids out in the community, such as parks, bowling, swimming, movies, malls, etc., but it would be respite night hours for Autistic kids. Right now I work at night with a girl who has cerebral palsy, an Autistic boy, and a brain injured hemianosia little girl and of course they would all be invited as part of my new business, but I will focus on Autistic children ages 2-18. My company is called Pieces Of the Puzzle, which provides after-school Autistic awareness needs. POP (Pieces Of the Puzzle) services would be from 5-9pm Monday through Friday, and 9-3pm on Saturdays. We will do different activities everyday in the community and have social skills lessons. Since Autism affects the motor skills and street smarts a child could have, POP would benefit the children by teaching them those needed skills. Plus, it's respite hours for the parents to have a break. So tonight for my homework I'm going to write a grant where I'm asking companies to donate a vehicle or provide money for a bus.... I'll let you know how it goes!!! =)

1 comment:

Lisa K said...

That's actually a really good idea! I can help you write a business plan....I had to do it a bunch in school. That would be needed if you were to get a loan.