Definitely deserves a journal entry!!

I had an incredible experience tonight doing sealings with my ward members! I wish I could type it all out and explain it in detail but I think it was too sacred for me to share over the internet. I just pray that everyone will take the time to go to the temple and be involved in things that allow us to be in the presence of our Savior. I know that sounds sappy and too much like a cliche, but I know it's real and I know that having faith in what will come means more than just putting up with all the hard stuff that happens now. Faith and temple experiences are what prepares us to live in the perfect gospel situation in heaven we've learned about since Primary. None of this makes sense and I think I'm starting to babble but I know that God lives and I know that He's as real as the person next to me is. I made a huge goal for the month of June and I made it so I can try to be part of the miracles that we witnessed tonight in the sealing room. I have 23 family names to do endowments for and I want to finish them all before the end of the month. Obviously I'm praying for other people to help me with the names because it's a very overwhelming project to conquer by myself!!! So I'll except any and all who want to help! Just give me a call! =)


Lisa K said...

I've given you a call to help and now you won't return my calls!

Gayle said...

Your messages are so uplifting. Thanks. I'll get busy generating some more names.

Lisa K said...

What do I do with the papers you gave us with the names on them?