Being led by the voice of the Spirit

It is not uncommon for someone to make a list of everything they feel they should be doing in their lives and then select a few to begin working on. As wholesome as this sounds, it will only create feelings of frustration. Read all the scriptures, and nowhere is there an account of someone achieving spiritual power by making lists of needed improvements, and then working the list!! They all did it by obedience to the voice of the Lord and we must also because there is no other way. What makes us more desirable to be obedient to a list than to the voice of God?!? The Lord knows the exact course our lives should take, which sin should be eliminated first, which weakness should be addressed first, and which blessings we will need to accomplish these things. There is no need for us to create a list He already possesses. Ours could never be as complete as His. If we are obedient to His voice in our hearts and minds, He will tell us what to do first, give us power to do it, and He will direct us step by step. 1 Nephi 22:2 and Enos 1:10-11 are perfect examples that things are made known to the prophets this way and are made known to us the same way. If you want to have revelation in your life, learn to hear and obey the voice of the Lord. This is the way God has ordained it. There is no other way or method. There is no other voice which leads unto eternal life.

John Pontius- Following the Light of Christ into His presence


Lisa K said...

This was the to-do list I had made for myself today:

1. Sleep in
2. Watch TV
3. Finish off the Ben & Jerry's ice cream
4. Blog
5. Read celebrity news online

It's good to know that I can stop with my list-making now.

Gayle said...

Just ordered the book, thanks for the recommend and the spiritual messages, they really make me think. Maybe we could talk more about remembering spiritual things next time we go to the Bountiful temple. Love you!