OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!

So I thought I was jealous when last month Jill got called as Relief Society President, but OH MY- this is way worse!!!!!!! My Dad just got called to come on Wednesday night to the South Mountain stake center, and get set apart as a leader of the Draper Temple Open House committee. OH MY!!!! Can you even imagine???!! Elder Walker, from the Quorum of the Seventies, was the one who "under his direction" asked for my Dad to be on the committee. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Quorum of the Seventies!! And MY DAD?????? Now I'm not speaking to 2 of my family members because they get the callings I want!! I wonder what I'm doing wrong because I want to be RS President and I want to be on the temple committee.....maybe this is my lesson to be more humble and happy for others!! HAHAHAAHAHAHA! That will take a lifetime!!!!


Gayle said...

Well, for your information, the Bountiful Temple called...and you didn't call them back! Maybe because at the Jordan River Temple you remember EVERYONE's name. Besides with dad's new calling, he can assign you to be the prophet's personal driver! You have connections now!

Lisa K said...

I'm in YW. Why aren't you jealous of that? And Joe does Scouts, doesn't that make you envious?

also known as shell said...

yeah beeyotch and I'm in the Primary Presidency in Georgia. why doesn't that float your boat. Is that not good enough for you... huh...is it... IS IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Carrie...just remember that you must already have all the qualities that you would gain being in those positions. I mean you are the most humble and spiritual and uplifting person I know...so Heavenly Father knows you just don't need those little callings because you are already ready for Celestial callings in a mansion next to the Father. Don't stress and for heaven sakes talk to your family!!!

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

you can have my calling if you want it......wahooo enrichment committee