Are we listening?!?

As a church, as a people of God, we have largely forgotten how to hear and obey His voice. Those who do obey mostly do it instinctively. We follow our feelings and inclinations, scarcely realizing that these promptings we follow are coming from Jesus Christ. Without this essential realization, we feel free to disreard those promtpings which do not appeal to us. In order to become the elect of God, we must learn to hear and obey every word which proceeds forth from the mouth of God.

No person has ever broken a commandment of God, except he first disobeyed many promptings warning him against doing so. "And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received" (D&C 84:64-55)
What things have we treated lightly because of unbelief, which vanity has brought people under condemnation? It is the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We are too vain, and our hearts are too swollen with worldly pride to allow ourselves to be led by something as insignificant as a still small voice. Many of us want flashes of divine light and trumpeting angels, then we would obey.

The cry will soon go forth, "The Bridegroom cometh!" and it will be everlastingly too late to purchase oil with which to light our lamps. For the oil is the voice of Christ in our hearts, the still small voice, and thereafter, the greater gift of the Holy Ghost. It cannot be bought or sold but must be acquired through diligent obedience. " The powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness and then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God.... and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever." (D&C 121:34-35)


Gayle said...

What a great message. You really should write a book. I mean it, you really need to publish the stuff you write so everyone can benefit from it!

Lisa K said...

Mom, you make way more comments on Carrie's blog than mine.