Gadianton Robber Roasting Party!!

I promised my class we would have a marshmallow roasting party because they were the cutest Gadianton Robbers ever. They decided to bring the things they hate in their lives and we would roast them, because the Gadianton Robbers killed and attacked the things they didn't like.

Spencer decided that he was way too old for Elmo, so he brought his childhood stuffed animal to burn. He said that a Gadianton Robber would NEVER be caught dead with Elmo!! Cameron brought a box of animal crackers because he hates them and Ian brought his little sister- I'm pretty sure he doesn't hate her, she just wanted to come. =) They all decided to call it the "Sacrificing Party" as they destroyed the things they hated. So here are our fun pictures and the video of Spencer burning Elmo!!! The next day in church, it was Fast and Testimony meeting and 2 of them bore their testimonies and mentioned how much fun they had at the class party. I was dying the whole time because I just knew one of them might give details and say something like we sacrificed animals in the Christensen's backyard!!! Hahaha! But don't worry- it was all very spiritual. =)


Anonymous said...

Oh my...that video is a little graphic for a testimony blog. i had to look away a few times...poor poor Elmo.

Gayle said...

As soon as I think I can't be surprised by 8 and 9 year olds, your boys surprise me! They are hilarious, and SO dramatic! Academy award goes to Spencer! Are you going to be their teacher again when they move up in January?

Lisa K said...

I can't believe they sat in those vines outside the office. There's creepy things in there.