I learned so much from Conference =)

These are some of my Conference pictures and I hope I'm not violating any Copyright laws by posting these!!! I just wanted to show how cool it is to be neighbor's with the prophet's secretary and get hooked up with the best seats ever =) I learned SO much from the Saturday sessions (I got to sit in both of them!), but Sunday was hard for me because it's completely different not sitting right in front of them. Look how the speakers just glow when you're sitting so close!!! I LOVE THIS CHURCH!!!!!!!! Oh and P.S.- I look kinda scary in this picture....


Lisa K said...

You're not violating copyright laws because they're your own pictures. But you're probably violating Conference Center laws by taking pics during Conference! Good thing the ushers are 100 years old and can't walk up to the front row to stop you.

Gayle said...

Lisa be nice! You've been in HR too long.

Anonymous said...

Conference in April I want to come and sit up front with you and go to a mission conference. I am already saving money and sick days. I wanted to be there so bad.