This past week I was able to do initiatories, sessions, and sealings for some of my ancestors. My Mom had found the names (she's the only one patient enough in our family to do genealogy work!) and I was the lucky one who got to do the temple work for them. It was the most amazing work I've ever done before. I had names from 1610!! I had other family names from 1740 and the 1800's but I've NEVER done anyone from 1610. It was even more unique that the names from 1610 were the couples being sealed to each other, which means that now we can seal the children to them once we find the rest of the family! When I was in the sealing room, the sealer suddenly stopped and said, "Sister Christensen, do you realize they have been waiting 398 years for you to come to the temple for them?" I, of course, started bawling and we were all quiet for a minute because the Spirit was so strong as we realized how sacred this work really is. The brother from my ward that was helping me do the sealings (who is also my home teacher!) was crying and said he felt very privileged to do the work. How privileged we all are!!! I LOVE the temple, I LOVE the Church, I LOVE everything about the perfect gospel of Christ, and I absolutely LOVE the fact that I have more family than I've ever imagined on the other side. Temples are forever!!!


Lisa K said...

Who is the home teacher that went with you? That was cool that you went and did work for our relatives!

Gayle said...

Reading your message makes me want to try even harder to find more names for the temple. Thanks for being our spiritual cheerleader! You're a blessing to us!

also known as shell said...

dear care bear,

you are an inspiration and I think you are a cool chick. For realsies.
