My surprise date tonight!

I had the best surprise tonight! I'm at home and the doorbell rings, and I open to see 3 of my Primary kids that I teach, standing there. One of them said, "Well, we know how excited you get when you see us, so- we're here." HAHAHAHA!! I couldn't stop laughing!! And he said it in the most matter of fact tone of voice- it was SOOO cute!! They were all in their swimsuits so I asked them what they were doing, and Ryley looked up at me with huge eyes, very surprised and innocent, and said, "We're here to play with you." Well- alrighty then! I guess I'm spending my Saturday night with a bunch of 8 year olds!!! They were all in their swimsuits because they planned on sitting in the hot tub as they "played with me". Cute, huh? So I pulled a TV outside, propped it up on a laundry basket, and we watched Monsters, Inc.

The movie ended (they stayed in the hot tub the whole time!), but when they put their clothes back on, they were in no hurry to leave. They actually had NO plans of leaving and asked me what I wanted to do next!! HAHA!

They started playing Ghost in the Graveyard and other crazy hiding/running/tagging games, but since I'm not really into those games, I decided to make use of my outside time. So I mowed the lawn. HAHAHA!! There I am, mowing the lawn at 8:30pm on a Saturday night, with 7 boys running around the yard, screaming to death and tackling each other. (There were now 7 boys with us because some neighbor boys wandered over.) But no matter how funny looking it must have been for everyone driving by (I live on a corner) to see that I was mowing the lawn on a weekend night as I hung out with 8 year olds, it was the best date night ever!!! =)


Anonymous said...

Dereana and I agree that you are so funny because the most random things happen to you!!!

Lisa K said...

They're probably the only people to ever get in that hot tub besides Dad!

Gayle said...

Do you think they peed in the hot tub? EEWWWWW

Gayle said...

Seeing how it was your Primary class that showed up at the door, wouldn't their game be more appropriately called, "Holy Ghost in the Graveyard"? (sorry, couldn't help it!)