Law of Consecration

The law of consecration continues to this day to be required of the elect, but in a different way than was attempted among the early church members. In those days, the Saints were required to dedicate, and actually transfer their material possessions by legal means, to the church. In our day, the dedication required of us is spiritual, rather than material. It is a law given by God which requires a total dedication of not only physical possessions, but of self, family, life, or any other earthly possession. It is the highest degree of personal commitment and dedication to which the mortal soul can ascend. For the people who actually understand and live by this law, the things of this world will become only meaningful to sustain life and to benefit the Lord's work. Those who live this law can be the happiest people on earth because their minds and hearts will be centered on promised glories and rewards that are guaranteed later on.
On my mission, a fun and easy way to explain the plan of happiness was presenting a 3 act play. We used cute paper cutouts and little stick figures to represent the pre-mortal life, our earth life, and the 3 kingdoms in the next life. If we could only have taught this law, because the concept of consecration adds such a profound celestialness to our made-up drawings! For those that are living the law of consecration down here on earth, this world is a stage, where we are playing a role and reading a script written by the Lord. The props on the stage belong to the Lord, and even though He has written the script that allows us to call certain things "ours," those things in fact still belong to Him. And when the play is over, we will all walk off the stage with the same amount of "things" we walked on with- NOTHING. But those elect few that have lived this law, will walk off the stage with a smile, never turning back to see what they've lost materially. So there really is no point in accumulating excess stage props, unless the script calls for it. To abandon the script and start rounding up "things" in order to have more props to call "ours," would be to lose our leading role in the play. And after gathering the props we were never instructed to gather, we would then not be true to our own script, and we would become uninvolved, even completely unaware, of the play which was still being performed righteously all around us.

The covenant of consecration is preparatory to profound blessings which await us, but only when we're ready. When we finally are spiritually ready, and after we have been tested and found valiant, unswerving, and true- that's when we will humbly lay all of our belongings on the table, and with a glorious smile, turn around and walk away from all of our earthly/worldly possessions. The glorious blessings will then be bestowed and override any feelings of loss or defeat of what we considered to be "ours."


Lisa K said...

I like how there's never pics of me with my own child.

Anonymous said...

My play would be rated 'R'..... :D


Gayle said...

I apologize for my two heathen children Carrie, and their messages. I again appreciated your message. And tell Lisa there never will be a picture of her with the baby because when we're all together we never let her hold the baby!! Love you!