So I'm on the freeway, the wind is blowing, my gas light is on (of course!), I'm listening to 80's love music, and driving home on I-215. In my rearview mirror, I see a sweet looking Harley catching up to me very quickly and for those of you who have driven with me before, I usually try to dominate any area that I am traveling in. =) Realizing that I was totally going to get passed up, I started to speed up. He was still getting a lot closer to me even though I was traveling at an EXTREMELY fast speed by this point. Well, the nice looking Harley flew by me and since I had already passed 90mph, he had to be doing 110mph at least!! And that's when I lost all self control and my natural man took over any Spirit that I had with me at the moment! I figured that if there was a cop, the motorcycle old man would get pulled over first because he was still flying way ahead of me, so I pushed the gas and FLEW!! At 100mph, my car was literally gliding through the air- Jetta's freaking rock! My car seriously is the best car ever created by mankind- Volkswagen's are literally a work of magic art! Anyways... the motorcycle old man was cruising, gaining more and more speed every second, and had to have at least 15 miles on me because there was nothing stopping him. But at 113mph, I lost it. I was too scared of my car blowing up and the guilt that I was feeling, so I slammed on my brakes, and slowed me back down to 70mph. You guys- I'm teaching Sharing Time tomorrow and of all subjects, I'm teaching REPENTANCE!!! Oh my! Here I am driving at ridiculously dangerous speeds, breaking every driving law possible (I never used my blinker and sometimes crossed more than 1 lane at once!), and then I'm going to turn around and teach the Draper 15th Ward Primary about repentance and making sure we always do what we're supposed to do.....OH MY GOODNESS- who do I think I am???!!! I need to fast for 72 hours to make up for this, I need to be grounded from my car, and maybe even schedule an appointment with the Bishop!!!!

So my message today is to live what you are teaching and live what we believe. Actions speak louder than words- especially when your actions are completely opposite of what you're trying to say!!! Don't pretend to be something you're not and from now on, I will always remember the example I'm supposed to be for my cute little 8 year olds, that I have taken on Christ's name, and that a Christlike person would NEVER do something as stupid as I did today!!!

JAMES 1:22
"But be you doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.


Gayle said...

113 MPH? Are you kidding me? Does the phrase "Tough Love" mean anything to you?!! I'm cutting off your cell phone, and thinking of some clever disabling trick to do to your car (since you pay the car payment and the insurance). Does the phrase "Public Transportation" bring a smile to your face? I swear, you are going to be the death of me! Wasn't one coma enough for one lifetime?

Gayle said...

And another thing... I love you so much, and you may dominate the highway, but I DOMINATE this house and family, and I apparently have to protect you from yourself! Natural man my foot. I'll "natural man" you!!

Gayle said...

And one more thing! What kind of gas mileage does one get at 113 MPH?

Anonymous said...

Your house? That's funny, cuz I thought you lived in Oakley! I vacuum and put the dishes in the sink, so technically I DOMINATE my own house! You just make the payments... but you're welcome to visit, just call first. ~~Carrie

Anonymous said...

ya that really is a good lesson/thought. Thanks- and you REALLY are good at writing lessons... so could you write me a RS lesson for sunday!? Thanx. You're a doll.


Anonymous said...

And PS~ I was the one on the sweet Harley.....

~Jill :D

Anonymous said... you are so funny!! This made me giggle. Carrie...I just love you because only you would connect the gospel with speeding...while you are speeding! You are so funny!!!


Lisa K said...

What if that guy on the Harley had been a cop. THAT would have been hilarious!

Anonymous said...

What if you would have been going 113 MPH, over corrected and flipped your car again? Like Gayle said, wasn't one coma enough?

Unless you're in a hurry to get to Heaven, I'd suggest you slow down and don't play around with your life, or others. Maybe harley guy was speeding up because he was worried about you tailing him and causing an accident.

I'm thinking trax would suit you better than the jetta...just a thought...