Taking the first step with them means serving too

So I'm still dying of the worst head congestion and sinus pressure you could ever imagine, and I can't even bend over or laugh because my head tightens up and I think I'm going to explode from the pressure in my face. With that in mind, you can only imagine my day in a Special Ed freakishly tiny classroom with everyone making too much noise that's way too loud for my head. And then for me to go to Wells Fargo and be the only one at the drive-thru on a horrendously busy Monday. I was miserable. I also found out that I was a couple sales short of a goal that I had and tomorrow is the last day to reach the goal, but because I was helping the whole state of Utah in one drive-thru, I had no time to sell to anyone and reach my goal.

When we put all those pieces together (my head exploding, kids practically screaming in my ear all morning, no lunch or breakfast cuz I can't even taste the food anyways, not meeting my sales goal that I've worked for 3 months to get, and managing 3 lanes on a Monday Mad-Rush), you'll understand that I completely crumbled. I cried for a straight hour. I was at work, at the drive, and struggling to see the computer screen through my tears so that I could do the transactions. Sometimes I sobbed, but it was mainly just a turbo streak of never ending tears streaming down my face. I wasn't doing it for attention or to have people feel sorry for me, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was done. They were short tellers in the lobby so no one came to help me, and my managers were off helping the long line out the door, so it was just me. And all I could do was cry. I don't think anyone in the drive could actually see my tears, but if they asked me a question and I tried to talk back, I would start bawling when I tried to talk and I think I scared some people!!! OH MY. I was a mess. No one else in the branch noticed because we were all too busy to even breathe, but I finally got the chance to ask one of my managers to stand in my spot. I walked out to my car, crying the whole time, and I sat in my hot, stuffy car and I sobbed/bawled for another 10 minutes. Then it was all out and even though nothing had changed, I was able to walk back inside and take my place again in the most dreaded spot I have ever stood in. So the point of my pity party story brings me back to a very important part of Acts 3 and what I've read recently in the Ensign. It's a beautiful story.

I read again and again the experience of Peter and John as they went through the gate on the way to the temple. Here was one who had never walked, impotent from his birth, begging alms of all who approached the gate. And as Peter and John approached, he held out his hand expectantly, asking for alms. Peter said, "Look on us" and, of course, that heightened his expectation. "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." (Acts 3:4,6) Now in my mind's eye I can picture this man, what he might be thinking: "Doesn't this man know that I have never walked and yet he commands me to walk?" But the biblical record doesn't end there. Peter didn't just command the man to walk and then turn away, but Peter "took him by the right hand, and lifted him up" (Acts 3:7).

Can you see the picture now of that noble soul, the chiefest of the Apostles, with his arms around the shoulders of this man, probably saying, "Now, my good man, have courage; I will take a few steps with you. Let's walk together, and I assure you that you can walk." Then the man leaped with joy! What a beautiful description of showing someone the way and then letting them go out on their own with your blessing! He didn't just command him to stand up and walk, he helped him stand up and get started. That's all I wanted today- HAHAHA- I was so overwhelmed!! After asking a dozen times for some help at the drive, and asking for a chance to go take some more medicine, I would have gladly accepted even 30 seconds of someone's time!!
I'm definitely not trying to take any glory or miracle from this story to say that I was in the same situation as this beggar at the gate, but I want to focus on the meaning of the story- that he helped him get started, took a few steps with him, and then assured and praised him as he walked on his own. How many times do I see some of my Special Ed kids trying to learn something and I leave them to learn it in their own time or assume they'll understand it tomorrow when we review it. MAN- how wrong I was. I need to be there every second for my kids and helping them. I shouldn't do it for them because the story never said that Peter lifted the beggar up and carried him- he simply took a few steps with him to get him started. I'm going to change my whole teaching schedule tomorrow and make sure I have individual time with every kid in my class! I know it will be more beneficial than any lesson I've ever taught to the whole class. So this is my new found testimony- TIME. It's essential and it means the world to people. 2 minutes of my time might mean 2 decades of success for someone! Okay- maybe that's a little dramatic but I want to serve people by giving my time and meeting their needs in a timely manner. Maybe one of the worst days of me working at Wells Fargo actually turned out to be a growing experience =)


Lisa K said...

Did you make your goal at work?

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

I'm sending you a big hug right right now......wish it was a real one!!!

Gayle said...

You break my heart because you always continue being the strong one even when you're sick. Getting better needs to be your number 1 priority, and let us help! Also, what do you need for sales to get your quota? We'll help you!

Gayle said...

Ok, I took your message to heart today. A little boy in Bob's class confessed he was getting physically abused at home, so Bob put him out in the hall by himself "to calm down" because he was so upset. So I brought him in my room and let him be my helper, to keep his mind on other things while we wait for DCFS to come
I gave him my time and hopefully served him by listening to him tell me how horrible he felt. Because he loves his parents but has to try to protect his little brother from them. Your message was timely Carrie, and made me more sensitive to someone in need, where otherwise I might have just closed my classroom door on him, because he wasn't my student. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I cannot begin to tell you how this message has affected me today. So I took a day off work because I have shingles...shingles of all things...I hear that it was stress...which I have had this week. Sorry about not getting back to your facebook message...last week has probably been one of the hardest and now here I sit with a side effect from an awful week. Anyways...I have been getting all the new kids in my classroom because I keep losing kids and all these new kids have brought with them alot of baggage...emotional, mental, behavioral...it has been all that I can take just to make it through a day...so I took today off because more stress with not help the shingles, but I am sitting here today knowing that the stress will not be gone tomorrow and then I read your message. Thank you!!!