"..even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal. ..." Abr 2 :11

Our week was filled with a lot of fun, friends, family, hugs, and tears, but since I don't want to ramble on about all the things that happened, I'm going to highlight some favorites:

-Sunday blessing with our family and the Murdocks'
-Going to the temple Tuesday night and knowing Grandma was happy
-All the flowers people sent and the phone calls when it had only been a day since she passed
-Wednesday at Grandpa's house and decorating Grandpa's living room
-Sleeping on Grandpa's couch for 4 days and loving it more than my own bed!
-Bereavement Paid Time Off by Wells Fargo =)
-How many people from our ward brought food and drove to Orem for the viewing & funeral
-The 297 pictures that I took!!
-How everyone was very cooperative and never complained of my picture taking...haha!
-The spiritual musical number at the funeral by Jill's roommate
-Colton (my nephew) screams when people start singing hymns!! HAHA! Poor Colton.....
-All the stuff we learned about Grandma when she was a librarian and traveled everywhere
-The funny stuff the grandchildren all wrote about the things Grandma used to do
-The Spirit in Grandpa's house
-The luncheon the Relief Society prepared for us when we didn't even know them
-The incredible amount of funeral potatoes that were consumed
-My cute pictures!
-How beautiful Grandma looked in her casket
-The gorgeous flowers at the viewing, funeral, and the spectacular arrangement on her casket
-How Grandpa never stood taller than he has in the past year as he took care of Grandma


Lisa K said...

You slept at Grandpa's for 4 days?

Sister C said...

Yep- I was bereaving............. =)

Gayle said...

And she was the BEST bereaver in the whole world! An example to us all, Carrie you should write a "How-to" on it!

Unknown said...

Those are some great shots you got of Grandpa. I am glad you were able to take such good pics.