I Love To See the Temple

Draper Temple NewsletterDraper Temple Newsletter
What began as a big hole in the ground on Sept. 5, 2006, now, 26 months later, rises to a majestic height crowned by the Angel Moroni. A beautiful and magnificent structure, how blessed we are to have had the opportunity to use our talents and abilities to assist in the building of the Lord’s House.”


The Draper Utah Temple will be open for public tours from January 15 to March 14, 2009
Draper Temple Newsletter......IT'S ALMOST HERE!!!!

On July 8, the Statue of the Angel Moroni was placed upon the Draper Temple

The Angel Moroni weighs 350 lbs and is 13' 8" tall

Draper Temple Newsletter

During the month of October, final finishes were the main focus of the construction effort. Installation of the carpet was completed in the basement and on the first floor. The pews were put in place in the chapel and the chandeliers were hung. The decorative painting and gold leafing was applied to the ceilings on the first floor. The final coat of paint is being applied to the walls and trim on the second floor.

The senior missionaries for the Draper Temple bank at Wells Fargo!! haha! =)

1 comment:

Gayle said...

When did they turn on the outside lights at night? I could see it from Murray coming home on the freeway! It was beautiful!!!!