Fast and Testimony Meeting!

Sacrament Meeting this morning turned out to be really good. We have about half a million little kids in our ward and only about 1/4 of them actually went up to share their testimony, but one little girl said one of the best testimonies of the day. She was probably 4, maybe 5, and instead of saying the usual, "I know the Church is true, I love my family....." she started her testimony out by saying, "I believe in temples." Cute, huh? Keep in mind that I could barely see the top of her hair because she wasn't tall enough to stand any higher than the podium! She said, "I went to the temple for FHE and my Mom said it was okay to sing 'I Love To See The Temple' the whole way there. My parents were married in there but I don't remember and I can't wait to go when I get old. I believe God lives in the temple because it is His house. Amen." Sooooo cute!! And she said it like she talks everyday in front of 800 people! The Bishop even commented on it at the end and said that she was a tribute to the Draper Temple and that's how we should all feel about temple work. She was precious, even though I never actually saw her face, only the top of her head.

One Brother bore his testimony and it was incredible. I've always considered him to be a very spiritual person and his testimony only confirmed it. He said that he knew being married and being a father was the closest he would come here on earth to standing in the Savior's footsteps. He told us that he was who he was today because of all that his family stood for and that when he sends his sons off on their missions, they will represent the finished product of what he created within his family. I love that idea!! He mentioned that of course his sons will have a whole life ahead of them, but to teach them to serve the Lord and go out into the world, would require them to take everything they learned from home. He also said he was blessed to be married and that he hoped those who weren't blessed to be married would get the opportunity he's had, but I didn't take offense to the unblessed/unmarried comment because the rest of his testimony rocked!!!

A Sister shared her testimony and said that she wasn't first married in the temple because her husband hadn't been a member and when they first married, she would always ask him what hope she should have of him ever getting baptized. His answer had always been that it was a 50/50 chance of happening. They had been married a few years and after realizing she couldn't have children, they decided to adopt a child from Chile. They turned in the adoption papers and waited almost 6 months before they finally got a call to let them know that their new little boy had been born that morning. She said she ran around the house, screaming and jumping on the beds, because her husband wasn't home from work to be excited with! Since her husband couldn't take off work to get their new baby, she flew out there all by herself. After she arrived, she learned they had the opportunity to adopt a 5 year old little girl, along with their newborn son. When she called her husband to tell him the news and had cried with him in pure joy that they finally had their own family, she said her husband paused for a really long time and then said, "It's a 51 percent chance now." YEAH!!! They were sealed a year later and she was actually able to get pregnant right after his baptism, so they had a family of 5 in under a year!!! What a cool story!

Then there's my perfect class of the most celestial 9 year old boys walking on earth today!!! 3 of them got up to share their testimonies in Sacrament and one of them stopped in the middle of his testimony and said, "Um, I forgot. Amen." hahahaha. They're SOOO cute! Another one was saying the opening prayer for us in our classroom and instead of asking for the Spirit to be with us, he said, "We pray that the gospel will be with us." How adorable!!!!!! And yes- we DO hope that the gospel will be with us!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Wish I'd been there. As always, thanks for sharing inspiring moments in your life.