"I know, O Lord, that thou hast all power,
and can do whatsoever thou wilt for the benefit of man..."
Ether 3:4

If any of you have seen House, you're aware of Dr. House's belief that people will do anything they can get away with, and that no one really puts others before themselves. He believes that the things people do are only to gain something personally and is always a selfish act. And remember on Friends, when Phoebe tries to prove that there really is an unselfish act so she lets herself be stung by a bee to do something nice for the bee?? Joey then informs her that now the bee is dead because bees die after they lose their stinger! The
point of the show was that no one can ever do anything entirely unselfish and for the benefit of others. My point of bringing those shows up is because someone hurt me this weekend, and it helped me become a true believer that people only do things to get what they want. What this person did was so huge to me that I'm not exactly sure I won't be able to think about it every minute I'm with them, if I ever choose to hang out with this individual again. So Saturday night was not a very pleasant night, and Sunday came without any glamour or excitement. Until I went to class.

I don't want to brag and I've talked about it a million times, but my Primary class has honestly taught me more than I've learned in any other class, or in any other calling, and has to be the most perfect class organized by the Church!! Ok- that's a stretch, but you get my point. I taught the lesson on the brother of Jared and my six little 9 year old boys wanted to read every single verse of the chapter because they were so into the story. They were asking questions the whole time and adding tidbits from other lessons we've had. We ended up not drawing pictures or having an activity because they loved reading the scriptures, and we sat there in a half circle with our scriptures on our laps, and read every verse together. They loved the monstrous waves the Lord created to push the barge, and they acted out the Lord's finger touching the stones. They thought it was the coolest thing that the Lord stood in a cloud and talked!! It was so much fun and was a very moving & spiritual experience for me to sit with my favorite 9 year olds and have them explain to me what they think the verse they just read meant. I absolutely loved it. Every second of it. I am the most blessed person in the world to be called to teach those little boys and they are what I consider friends. They love me unconditionally and do the cutest things for me. Being around them makes me a better person, and I know that's what makes a true friend.

To make the story even more of an answer to a prayer (and a little more sappy!!), 2 of them came over to see me at my house today. Isn't that the cutest thing in the world??!!? They said they just came over to say Hi, but I think the fact that I still had leftovers from the treat in class today helped make the visit a priority!!!! It was so much fun to have them over, even though I know my sisters are going to make fun of me because the only people I hang out with are under the age of 10! But anyone older than that ends up hurting my feelings, so I'll stick with the younger crowd!
I'm grateful for my calling and even more grateful for the pure love of children.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

I can't believe you remembered that episode on Friends! You're nuts! But I love your stories and experiences so much. Those little boys are special, but their Primary teacher is very special too. The way you present the stories, and always having them act out the stories are what internalizes it for them. You're the best! And the treats aren't bad either!