Funny comments by cute kids!!

I was teaching Primary and we were talking about when the Savior comes again. My Primary boys were acting out how the earth will shake and how loud the thunder will be, and they were saying the funniest things I have ever heard relating to the 2nd Coming!!!! One of my boys said, "I think when I see the Savior again, He'll ask me, "Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?" HAHAHAHA!!! And another boy was talking about some of the signs that his Mom had told him are happening now that let us know something is coming. He said, "It's kinda like when we are singing the 3rd song in Sacrament, it's a sign that Sacrament is FINALLY ov
er!!!" HAHAHAHA!! I love them! =)

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Out of the mouths of babes... If parents only knew all the things kids tell their teachers! We should write a book!