Every calling is a perfect calling!!!

"Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life,
it will rise with us in the resurrection."

D&C 130:18

I love going to the temple and I'm very grateful to be surrounded by temples in Utah. Since my mission was the best mission on earth, I was also surrounded by temples in California and was able to attend the Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and Newport Beach temple. Tonight I got to do sealings and I wanted to share my testimony on the sacredness of callings. I love to find out what calling someone has or to find out prior callings a person has served in. I think it's the coolest blessing that we are each called and given the power and authority to magnify that calling by being set apart. I've always said I wanted to be a temple president's wife because that calling would mean the world to me, to be a temple matron!! But as I sat in the sealing room tonight, I know that the sealer was called to be in that room at that time and perform the sacred ordinances. His calling was so overwhelmingly spiritual to me tonight that I've changed my mind, and now I want to be the wife of a sealer!! HAHA!! To think that this man was found worthy to seal together family members of ours that have been waiting for hundreds of years, and to know that he was qualified to be in the presence of the angels in the House of the Lord. WOW. I have a new respect for all callings and I know that each one brings us closer to the Savior, whatever that calling may be. We all know what blessings will come when we faithfully serve or when we fulfill our callings, but tonight it was so much more than that.

"...that all these gifts of which I have spoken, which are spiritual, never will be done away, even as long as the world shall stand..." Moroni 10:19

Like the scripture says, we really will never lose the spiritual talents we gain from our callings. The sealer tonight was the most spiritual man to me and I know that every person who lives up to their callings, is just as spiritual. When I was at church on Sunday, I remember listening to the testimony of my Bishop and thinking what a perfect person he was to get called as our ward's priesthood leadership. The Bishop before him will always be one of my best friends because he blessed me continually through all my accident turmoil and he was the one who sent me on a mission, writing to me every month. I thought that no one could ever live up to all that he's done and I bet everyone probably thinks that of every Bishop they've had. But I know that my current Bishop took his place and filled his shoes, only because of the fact that he's fulfilled and lived up to every aspect of his calling as Bishop. I love the organization of the gospel and I know that we each have more potential than we've ever dreamed of, but are capable of reaching that potential by magnifying the calling we are in.

1 comment:

Lisa K said...

Read President Uchtdorf's talk from the Priesthood session this past Conference.