HEAVEN SENT- Filling Your Empty Buckets

"Let all they doings be unto the Lord,
whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord;
yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord;
let all thy affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
Counsel with the Lord in all they doings,
and he will direct thee for good..."
Alma 37: 36-37

I've decided what I'm going to do with my life. I realize that when I graduate, in whatever it is I'm majoring in, I'll still have no idea what I want to do. And since I'm SO sick of working 2 jobs and having the whole day be entirely gone with me getting nothing worthwhile accomplished, I've finally come up with the end result of why I'm going to school and working so much. During the day I will teach piano lessons and teach Seminary classes to the Special Ed kids, but the best part of my day will be what I'm going to offer/work for at night. It uses every attribute I've gained and studied about as a social worker.

I am going to rent a house, not a large one but one that has a basement and a large kitchen, and I'm going to name it HEAVEN SENT. I'm going to charge people $20.00 a month to have free access to this home from 5:00-11:00pm, Monday- Friday. There will be a different movie playing every night, rated G or PG, and there will be study rooms, an exercise room, with other rooms that will hold classes and workshops. Every night will have a different class offered: Monday night of course will be FHE, Tuesday could be a Sign Language class, Wednesday might be Spanish class, Thursday could be a music class, with Friday being piano/organ lessons. Those are all the things I want to learn more about, but never have time in my current outrageously scheduled life. This way I will get to learn as I go the
classes in my own home and learn as I teach. Well, actually I'd be the one teaching an Institute class every night before those classes started and I wouldn't hire any professional to come and teach, but the classes will be run by other people who belong to Heaven Sent. That way it will be a huge family circle, with family teaching family, teaching and sharing something they know and are good at. People could even come on dates to these classes or eat dinner with us in a family setting- then the couple could learn and grow by taking classes and being spiritual together, which no dating couple I know ever chooses to do these days!! =)

Individual people can come to any class, at any time they choose, and on any night they want to come. There will be no restrictions, no competition because everyone learns at a different pac
e, and there will be absolutely no pressure to be anything you don't want to be. My house would provide a spiritual safe haven. Kids with troubled families who dread going home can come to my creation of a house, or kids with parents that work all night can come stay at my house, in an uplifting environment. Of course this is not a babysitting night-care. No child under the age of 12 is allowed, without an older sibling with them.

Each person who joins my house will have their picture taken and put on the wall, just like houses have family portraits. There will be no Ipods, computers, or MP3 players brought into the study rooms because I don't want any bad music, bad
thoughts, bad shows, or anything from the world brought in. It won't be an after-school program, a community clubhouse, or a gym- it will be a home. An uplifting one where dinner will be cooked (so the smell will be in the house!) and everyone can gather around and eat, talk, laugh, and just relax- for as long as they want. If you want to be downstairs watching the movie, fine. If you need to be in a quiet room studying, so be it. If you want to be part of a class going on that night, great- go to it!! If you want to be eating dinner and talking with whoever is upstairs, come join us. There will be so many different wholesome activities going on to choose from, no one would ever feel left out or pressured to do something they're not comfortable with, or be talking when all they want to do is relax and not be bothered. This will provide kids with an uplifting, spiritual, and safe place to come every night where they can better themselves by learning, growing, and feeling the Spirit.

The Heaven Sent family would be praying together, getting an education, reading scriptures together every night, and continually be making goals to better ourselves and always stand in a holy place. I'm pretty sure I can get some government funding and maybe people will donate to my charity house, but all I know is that I'll get to teach the gospel everyday, I'll always have a family to come home to, I'll be learning and growing every night of my life, and my rent would be paid by my new family! Hahaha! GREAT PLAN, HUH???
?!!! =)

"Finding time for spiritual growth in our everyday lives shouldn't be that much different than finding time for other activities." ~ME!


Lisa K said...

Ummmmm.....I don't know what to say.

Why don't you just go and work for the Church as a social worker so you can teach the gospel AND help people out. And get a paycheck. And not have homeless people take advantage of your charity house.

Sister C said...

It's okay- Jesus helped people and he was poor. It'll make me more Christlike!!!! hahaha- I look forward to your comments EVERY time! =)