My cute kids =)

I was teaching the lesson in Primary and we were reading from Ether. One of the names of the brothers is Com and when we read it, Will raised his hand. When I called on him, he asked, "Is that where we get .com from?" HAHAHAHAHA!! I said, "Nope- modern day technology definitely doesn't come from Book of Mormon names." !!!!HAHAHA!!

I have a rule that no one can raise their hand to share something unless it has to do with the scripture story. They all have so many pointless stories to share and it wastes so much time!! But Spencer raised his hand in the middle of the lesson and when I called on him he said, "I promise it has to do with the scriptures." I asked him if it had to do with the lesson but he said, "Well, no. But it has to do with the scriptures, so it's okay to tell. Remember when we were studying about the Nephites who will never die and are on earth somewhere but no one knows who they are? I met one of them." Of course I'm interested at this point and I urged him to continue. He said, "So my Mom's friend's son is already in his 2nd year of college and he's really really young. No one could be that smart and so young but he is because he's one of the Nephites." SO CUTE! He also had to add in "
And his wife always makes too many brownies for us to eat!".... which probably confirmed the fact that this man was holy!! It amazes me every time they remember a lesson and are able to apply it to the lesson we're learning or in Spencer's case of actually knowing a disciple of Christ in college!! I LOVE THEM!!!!

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