My testimony of the Sacrament

Savior of the World:
His Birth and Resurrection

I went to 'Savior of the World' a couple weekends ago and had the time of my life. It was spiritual, entertaining, and intellectual. I learned stuff about Mary and Joseph that I never knew before and now totally respect. One of the main things that stood out was the sacredness of the Sacrament. I've looked for the particular story in the Bible but can't seem to find it (it was a play and maybe they made this part of!!). It was a very meaningful representation to me of who Christ really is. He isn't just a man walking down the street, or someone in town to talk to, or a friendly neighbor- He is the Christ. An actor playing one of the disciples was explaining to his friends and family that he had walked down the path with a man and had told this man all the excitement in the town that was going on, the signs that had been seen, and all the prophesies foretold. He followed this man to the Upper Room, still not realizing who he was walking with, and this actor explained, "It was then that we knew who this man was. This man standing in front of us was Jesus the Christ. He let us touch his wounds and he passed the Sacrament. It was then that we knew Him." I remember being so touched by this part because that is seriously how we know Him. If not by any other way during the week, along any of the paths we're walking, we will come to know Him by the Sacrament.

This past weekend was Stake Conference and I have a whole post dedicated to everything I learned and felt and witnessed, but I wanted to share something that Elder Jensen, in the Presidency of the Quorum of the Seventies, spoke of relating to the Sacrament. He was talking about when the Savior appeared to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple and all that they learned from Him. Elder Jensen said, "Next Sunday He may not appear at the pulpit, but you can still hear His voice." You can hear His voice as you partake of His Sacrament because you will hear Him say, "Behold, your sins are forgiven you; you are clean before me; therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice." (D&C 110:5) It is then that you can walk away ready for the week, feeling uplifted, strong, and rejoicing because of the mercy of your Father in Heaven, who sent His Son to bring you back. By partaking of the Sacrament, you can hear that every week. You will hear Him.

Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament

Elder Dallin H. Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles


Lisa K said...

Joe and I saw that a couple of years ago and I thought it was great! I learned new stuff by watching it too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my have just inspired me for something that I will share with the youth here...that is how we come to know him because we walk with him each Sunday during the Sacrament and the rest of the week is us walking in faith until we can be with that cleansing state again...Did I mention I have missed you blog. I was telling Shane that you took it away from us and he started quoting some scripture about how we need to help lift the hands that hang down and the feeble knees and Carrie you blog strengthens me!!! Thank you

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