Missionary Prep Classes

We started Stake YM Missionary Firesides 6 weeks ago and have had a speaker every Sunday night teach about Preach My Gospel, along with other missionary stories. It has been so much fun and a much needed reminder of everything we accomplished on our missions. I haven't set goals and reported in on them in a long time, so it's been fun the past month and a half to be in a district again, where we have made goals individually and together, then meet Sunday night and share our testimonies on the progress of our goals. Last year for the YM Missionary activity we just met in small groups every night for one week and played fun scripture games. But this year has been so much more spiritually strengthening and motivating. I miss practicing so much accountability and being responsible for every hour of my day. I'm so proud of these young men for coming every Sunday night (even on SuperBowl Sunday!!) and preparing for the best decision they can make at this point in their lives.

This is one of my favorite songs from my mission, it's meaning and the fact that it's a Polynesian song, and the talk is a great one on prioritizing our days.

"How Can I Be"

Little Things Count
by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

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