My Bishop

I've always had respect for my Bishop because of the person he has and how he lives up to his callings, but this weekend was an even clearer confirmation of why I sustained him as Bishop. One of my precious Primary boys told me something of a serious nature, dealing with him and his family. I was very concerned and thought about it all day long, not knowing who to tell and how to get him help. I couldn't get a hold of the Primary President or any of her counselors, so I called my Dad to ask him what to do. He assured me that it was the Bishop's responsibility and no one else's, so I should call the Bishop immediately. I thought maybe that would be jumping steps but I called the Bishop at his house, and you know what he did? He put back on his church clothes, left his family dinner, called the family involved, and went over to the church the second he hung up with me. I knew he had been at the church all day long and I figured he would make an appointment later in the week with the family, but he dropped everything he was doing at that exact moment, to reach out to this family. I know that he was called of God and I know that he is a worthy man fit for his calling. I have so much more love and appreciation for him and gratefulness that we have such noble stewardship over our wards.

This is a talk by Elder Eyring, titled Rise to Your Call,
that applies to every and any calling, whatever and wherever it may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to me the dedication and commitment some people have to the Lord. I know exactly the kind of man you are referring too and they are rare precious people.
