The Holy Ghost

Having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is not to have constant revelation. Revelation, instruction, visions, insights, and doctrine are given only as the Lord sees fit to do so, and as we are prepared to receive them. The most notable effect of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is a constant burning in the bosom, and a feeling of love and acceptance from God. Some people experience it as an enduring devotional or spiritual feeling, or motivation to unending prayer. The scriptures speak often of praying constantly in our hearts. They are making reference to this joyful by-product of the rebirth. Even as one enjoys the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit still guides in all matters of eternal consequence. The Holy Ghost speaks in his true character as a powerful revelator only when the truths communicated exceed the more limited role of the Holy Spirit. This constant companionship of the Holy Ghost has the effect of continuing to exalt and purify. Any contact with that member of the Godhead uplifts and refines. Constant companionship exalts. If one persists in their obedience, and endures their trials faithfully, they will, in time, be privileged to hear the Father's voice pronounce upon them the promise of exaltation.


Lisa K said...

Did the Holy Ghost not prompt you to wear green to the temple like everyone else did?

also known as shell said...

ghosts are scary

Annie said...

you are such a fake-baker!! lol, jk, I love you Carrie! Thanks for your inspirational thoughts. When are you gonna come hang out with me??