My Father' s Day talk in Sacrament!!

I wanted to share my testimony today on our ancestor fathers and the fathers from dispensations of our pasts. On my mission, one of our lessons we taught was a genealogy introduction to help members and nonmembers get started on their genealogy. The basis of the lesson was the scripture of Elijah coming before the day of the Lord to turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers. What does it mean to turn to our fathers? It means to be sealed to all of our ancestors and our posterity forever. The promises of temple covenants turn our hearts to parents, spouses, and children. The message in Malachi 4 are the only verses quoted in all 4 standard works- in Luke, 3 Nephi, D&C, and JSH- which emphasizes the sacred importance of turning to our fathers.
Some might ask "How do we turn our hearts to our fathers?" and last Tuesday night would be a perfect answer to that question as we did the temple work for our ancestors. Last Tuesday night was our ward sealing night at the temple and what a blessing it is to have that many of us show up. It's always sad when another sealer comes in and asks for some of us to go and help another ward because we have too many people in the room. But what a proud thing it is to be from the Draper 15th ward, the ward who had too many people show up for sealings!!!
One of the 10 commandments states that we should Honor thy father and mother. I think one of the best ways to honor our fathers is by doing the temple work for them. It's an honor to have pioneer heritage that were already members but having the resources to find our ancient fathers and to keep tracking back our heritage, is another blessing that often gets overlooked as an honor to our fathers. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “God made those promises to the ancient patriarchs—Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and so forth—and we undoubtedly made them to our own lineal fathers and mothers, those who came to earth before the gospel was restored but whom we promised to provide their saving ordinances”
In the Proclamation of the world, it states that "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." I have several father like figures in my life- my fatherly neighbors calling to tell me I left the garage door open again, ones who have helped push my car out of the snow when I was stuck in my own driveway, and the midnight blessings for my sisters and I. But I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world because I'm blessed with a perfect father who I pray every day that I can be more like him and the person that he is today.............That was a sample of my Father's Day Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Hokanson Family said...

What a great talk. You are so amazing Carrie! Can't wait to see you.

Lisa K said...

I bet you talked slow and didn't hyperventilate at all during that talk!