If 1 door closed, we opened 10 more!!!

So one of my companions drove from Arkansas to come to Salt Lake which meant that of course we had to go to the Salt Lake temple. Her Mom drove with her and I managed to drag Jill away from all her boyfriends long enough to do a session with us, so all 4 of us headed to the House of the Lord. Jill has never been to a live session or been through the SL temple so we were WAY excited to be there with her, and my companion and her Mom hadn't been in like 5 years. So our excitement level was very high and we knew that the sesssions only start on the hour so we drove like maniacs (I taught Jill well on crazy driving!!) to make it to the 11:00 AM session. When we walked into the dressing room, there was a monstrous line waiting to go to the session so we hurried to change but the line had gotten even longer and they ended up stoppping the line and telling us to come back at 12. We asked to do sealings and they said it was full but to come back at 1. We asked to do initiatories and they were packed until 12:30. So we're all standing there in our beautiful white dresses with no place to go and all of our hopes had disappeared. But that's when the drama began!!!! I started freaking out to the lady saying that they drove all the way from Arkansas to come to the temple and we didn't have time to wait and that we had to do something and .........(I don't know what came over me to be impatient with an old lady working at the temple!!!) But she stood right up and said, " All the way from Arkansas? You guys go to the celestial room right now and take as much time as you want." OH MY!!!!! So we got all excited again and Jill took the leader position (remember that she has never even been inside this temple before!!) and she turned to us and said, "Dont look anyone in the eye and just walk real fast with a smile." I have absolutely NOOO idea how Jill got us there but she took us the back way to the celestial room and not ONE person even looked twice at us or tried to stop us or ask us what we were doing. GO JILL!!!! So we're sitting in the celestial room and a temple worker came up and told us he had some cards left to do sealings and asked us if we wanted to do sealings!!! OH MY!!! Of course we did!!

So my companion ran down and changed into the appropriate clothes (we were all just in our white dress) and the temple worker gave us permission to come into the sealing room even though the rest of us weren't properly dressed. Then he told us all this stuff about the Holy of Holies, we got to walk up to the 2nd floor of the celestial room where no one gets to go, and we got to do the sealings in a room that was connected to the celestial room where no one else ever gets to be sealed!!!!!!!!!!! By this time, we were glowing and there was nothing stopping us so every door we saw as we walked back to the dressing room we opened, closed or not we walked into every room and got to see things I've never even imagined before!!! And Jill was still the leader of our group and just walking like she owned the temple!!! But no one ever stopped us or asked us why we were only in our white dresses and walking around like we were apostles or something!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we were walking back to the dressing room and passed the telestial room. We all looked at each other and then we just walked right in!!! Like it was okay to go in when there wasn't a session!!!!!!!!!! OH MY!!! So Jill got to see what the rooms looked like in a session, we all got to go to the celestial room, we got to see some sealings get done, and we had a private tour of the temple....all without even doing a session!!!! It was the coolest thing ever!!! After that we walked over to the conference center cuz my friends had never been inside. We got in the elevator and pushed to go to the top, but it didn't let us cuz you have to be on a tour to go inside or to the gardens on top. So we're all squished in the elevator and it opens up on the 3rd floor and this lady is standing there and said, "Hi, guys- you wanna go to the top with my tour group?" OH MY!!!! What are the chances of that happening!!! I've got to hang out with Jill more cuz she's my good luck charm!! So we got a tour of the gardens on top and then she let her tour group go and gave us a personalized back stage tour to the inside of the conference center!!! It was the BEST and LUCKIEST day in the world!!!!!


Lisa K said...

I'm so forwarding this post on to President Monson so he can know of you're traipsing around el templo.

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

wow that's amazing wish I could have been there!!!!

Gayle said...

I'm glad you had such a neat experience when Pfeiffer was here. Living out in the missionfield is great, but living in Utah roaming free throughout the temples is the bomb!

What's an "el templo"?

Carrie, your dad told me to tell you the Bountiful temple called...