I'm an AUNT!!!!!!!!!!

It started off being a normal day- Jill and I planned on going to the temple and out to lunch because we both had the day off of work. But then the unexpected and awaited day finally came!!! Lisa called me and said she wasn't feeling well and asked if I would take her to the hospital once she came to my house (her doctor is up here so she was driving from Springville). So then she gets here and as soon as she walked in, her water broke and she started having contractions like every 3 minutes. Oh my!! I am NOT a qualified nurse for these kinds of things!!
So we called Joe, my Mom, Jill, and my Dad and the craziness began- Joe drove from Springville to Draper in record timing and ended up passing my Mom and Jill on the freeway who were both coming from Orem, and my Dad drove from St. George (he was there for business) to the Alta View Hospital in like 2 hours!! OH MY!!!! And no one even got pulled over!!! Then we're all at the hospital and realize that Lisa is missing some of her medications and other random things, so Jill and I get back in the car and drove all the way back to Springville, then once again to the Alta View Hospital in Sandy. While we were gone, they had given Lisa penicillin and she ended up being allergic to it, so when we showed up they had pumped her full of Benadryl to wash out the allergy, but she was all puffed up and swollen and she almost couldn't breathe!! Well, the Benadryl knocked her out so she was snoring like a bear and apparently the baby ate some Benadryl because he was sleeping too, but because she was dialated enough to actually have the baby, they had to keep waking her up and shaking her stomach to wake the baby up!!! She was so loopy and out of it she had no idea what was going on and they would strap things around her stomach and pull on it to keep the baby awake in order to keep getting measurements and heartbeat info on him. So 9 hours later, they decided that the baby was now in the wrong position and decided to do a ceasection.

By this time, Joe's parents had shown up, Jill and I were about to lose it after 9 hours in the same small room at the hospital (hahaha! it was so much fun!), my Mom was crying the whole time, and Lisa was still sleeping through everything. My Dad, Joe's Dad, and Joe decided to give Lisa a blessing before the surgery, so my Dad went and got the oil and they ran in to give her a blessing before the doctors came to get her. (I snuck in even though I wasn't supposed to be there and I cried through the whole blessing because it was the most beautiful blessing I've ever heard- it was so neat to see my Dad blessing my sister to have my healthy nephew!!) So they wheeled her in, I took 50 pictures of her being wheeled down the hall, we made another trip to the cafeteria to get snacks for everyone, we watched So You Think You Can Dance, and we sat down to wait another 2 hours for her to come out. Actually, we spotted Joe taking Colton (my brand new nephew!) into the cleaning room so we all ran and stood at the window to watch. Lisa had to stay in the recovery room for a couple hours so we didn't see her. Only grandparents were allowed in the cleaning room but one time the door opened and no one was looking, so I ran in!!!! They yelled at me for it and kicked me out but I didn't care because after 11 hours, I finally got to see Colton!!! YEAH!! I love him to death!! He is the tiniest little baby I have ever seen and he looks exactly like Joe!! He is only 6 pounds and 2 ounces, and is 19 inches long. He is seriously SOOO tiny!!! But he's absolutely perfect and I'm his favorite Aunt already!!!


Shane and Jamie Smith said...

YEAH, I loved that story and no one can add so much excitement to it as you.....Im glad all went well for Lisa, too bad she had to have a C-section but then again she didnt have to feel anything either....Colton is super cute and you just fall in love with them when you see how cute and tiny they are, huh!!! Tell them congrats for me!!! Wahoo autie Carrie....

Gayle said...

Carrie, thanks for posting the pictures, you're awesome! And fast! Do you ever go to bed?

also known as shell said...

don't even think about claiming favorite aunt status. or I'll hire some thugs to come beat you up.

Lisa K said...

Thanks for posting that exciting story! I was too out of it to remember most of that stuff. =)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

Carrie that is so neat! We're so excited for Lisa, Joe, and baby Colton! And the pictures you took were great! I love the one of you and Lisa- she looks pretty out of it!

Anyway, congrats Auntie!!!

The Yosts said...

Thanks for sharing the story Carrie! I laughed so hard! BTW- this is Laurie's sister Steph :) Oh, you should be jealous of my church calling- Nursery Leader. We have over 24 kids. It's a party every Sunday.