Obedience to His voice

Sometimes we search for a spectacular vision, some pearl of great wisdom, some unfathomable mystery, or a more profound answer when we're looking to be more spiritual. We look to those we admire, the prophets and apostles, the pure in heart, and those that glow with the fire of the Spirit, and we wonder how they did it and want to be like them. But the simple truth is this- they learned how to obey. Believe it or not, this is the great mystery that we're looking for. Obey! Obey! Obey! The exalted are eternally obedient. What is it we must obey? It is every word which proceeds forth from the mouth of God and it is the voice of the Spirit. Notice that I didn't say the commandments? This is not because the commandments are to be ignored. It's because to obey every little commandment can be overwhelming. But when we set our lives in obedience to the voice of God, we will naturally and joyfully be obeying all the commandments as we're listening and acting on what He needs us to hear. John Pontius- Following the Light of Christ into His Presence p. 101


Gayle said...

Another good message to start the week with, thanks.

I'm excited to go do sealings with you on Tuesday! Maybe going back to the Jordan River Temple will be nice, a place where they know you by name. I'll pick you up!

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

Carol, you should write a book!!! I love the pics they are great, and yeah you better hurry up and decide which one of my family members you are going to marry, because I think Ryan might be the last one.....hehe jk oh wait Chop is younger than Ryan nevermind.....