"In These Three I Believe"- By President Gordon B. Hinckley

The first article of faith is surely familiar to all members of the Church. It is the pivotal position of our religion. It is significant that in setting forth the primary elements of our doctrine, the Prophet Joseph put this number one: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost” (A of F 1:1). The preeminence given that declaration is in accord with another statement the Prophet made. Said he: “It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God” (History of the Church, 6:305).

I've had a couple of experiences in the past week that I thought about sharing in Testimony meeting next week. But then I couldn't decide what my new strengthened testimony really was about or how I would say it- I thought about saying how I know that the power of prayer is real and that prayers are really answered, but that wasn't really the understanding I gained this week. It all started with prayer but the truth of it is, is that the Spirit is real. Heavenly Father's hand in my everyday life is real. Being worthy to walk with the Savior is real. But it was only through prayer that I realized it. Of course I'm grateful that my prayers were answered, but I was even more grateful that I came to the absolute realization that Their presence is real. And by "Them" I refer to asking for Heavenly Father's help and seeing it all unfold by having the Savior's example all around me. and feeling the power of the Spirit in all of my activities. I've always had a testimony of being worthy now to live with Them later, yet I never tried to comprehend that we should be worthy now to have Them part of our lives right now. This kinda sounds loony as I read it over and I now know I shouldn't bear my testimony next week cuz I'll end up rambling!!!! So just remember that prayer is simply the means to have a relationship with the Godhead, and that relationship is confirmed by the Spirit. Wow- I definitely butchered this explanation!! Maybe this thought should remain only as a personal journal entry!! HAHA! =)

"I was baptized in the name of these three. I was married in the name of these three. I have no question concerning Their reality and Their individuality. And so I believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. It is that perfect unity between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost that binds these three into the oneness of the divine Godhead. Miracle of miracles and wonder of wonders, They are interested in us, and we are the substance of Their great concern. They are available to each of us. I bear witness of these great, transcendent truths and I do so by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ." ~President Hinckley


Gayle said...

What you say in your blogs is more profound than anything I hear at church each week! I've copied part of what you said, laminated it, and will put it on my desk to look at many times each day. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.