I love them to death!!

Oh my- I love my Primary class more and more each week!! This past Sunday I was teaching about the Gadianton robbers and of course they LOVED learning about killing, stealing, and lots of bad things (I have a class of all boys!). There are usually 5 or 6 of us every week so we sit in a small circle together and take turns reading from the scriptures. Knowing I love to talk and since I'm the one teaching the lesson, after someone reads a verse they all look up at me and wait for me to explain what it meant. It's so cute how they all look up at the same time after every verse because they know I'm gonna want to tell them some mission story or something else that relates to what we're reading. Anyways, so I'm explaining to them about the secret signs and secret codes that the Gadianton Robbers had and how they used to do bad things in the village and then go hide out in the mountains. One of them asked, "Can we have a code?" and all the boys were SOOO excited that our class could come up with a code that unless people knew what it was, they couldn't come to our parties or even be around us. They all agreed on Helaman as the code word (we were reading from Helaman 6) and we moved on to the rest of the story.

It was probably 15 or 20 minutes later when Sister Luper, from the Primary Presidency, came to give me our part for Sacrament meeting next month. She kinda tapped on the door as she was opening it, and then walked over to me and started telling me exactly what we were supposed to do. From the second she even tapped on the door, all 5 of the boys were frantically saying, "What's the Secret Code? Give us the the Secret Word!!!" and they all had this stricken look on their face like they couldn't believe she would come in without knowing the word. So Sister Luper is still explaining things to me, totally oblivious to what was going on around her, and one of my boys whispered, "She doesn't know it- DESTROY!" and they all made pretend dart guns with their hands and started blowing darts at her!!! Seriously, all 5 of them were blowing as hard as they could into their hands to see who could shoot her with the most darts!!!! I wasn't listening to a word Sister Luper was saying at that point because my class had to be the cutest Gadianton Robbers in the whole wide world! She finally stopped talking to look up and see what all the commotion was, and that's when I told her we were the Gadianton Robbers and since she didn't know the Code word, they were in attack mode. She started laughing really hard and I was more proud of my boys than I ever have been!! They were determined robbers though and were still blowing darts at her, never stopping until she finally left the room. Then one of them ran and put his ear up to the door, as if he could really hear her in the hallway, and he turned to the rest of the class and said, "We did it- intruder destroyed." HAHAHA- I love them SO much!!! I don't think I stopped laughing all day!!

At the end of the lesson, I always give them a couple minutes to draw a picture of what they remember from the lesson and if I could scan it and put the pictures on here, I would. They all drew themselves, holding their dart guns, with arrows shooting at a stick figure with long curly hair (Sister Luper!)!!! They are so perfect!! I told them that we could have a party this Saturday because they are my most favorite people in the world. =)


also known as shell said...

you are the best primary teacher in the world carrie. seriously I love you. I wish every teacher was just like you.

I miss you.

very much.



Bear HUG!!!

(sorry I'm just so home sick)

Gayle said...

You are such a good teacher! For the next party at our house,teach them to vacuum and dust. You could tell them that's what the Gadianton robbers did to get strong! And the Nephites cleaned toilets mopped floors!